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Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Genes Test

Breast Cancer BRCA1 BRCA2 Genes Test

What are the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes? BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that suppress malignant tumours (cancer) in humans. When these genes change (become mutated) they do not suppress tumours as they should. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumour suppressor genes, which means that they keep cells from growing too rapidly. So people with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations […]

Cost Clinical Exome Sequencing India

Cost Clinical Exome Sequencing India

The cost of the Clinical Exome Sequencing test at DNA Labs India is ₹20,000. What is Clinical Exome Sequencing? The Clinical Exome is a powerful tool used to help identify the cause of health and developmental problems from your DNA. Every disease which is identified and studied can be detected using clinical exome sequencing. The […]

Cost HLA Typing DNA Test India

Cost HLA Typing DNA Test India

What is HLA typing? HLA or human leukocyte antigens are present on the cell membrane with the key role of protecting the cell by initiating the immune response. The test is used for the organ transplant patient, if the antigen of the patient and donor don't match then the antibody will attack the organ and […]

What is the cost of Karyotyping DNA test in India?

What is the cost of Karyotyping DNA test in India?

The Karyotyping test cost in India varies costs ₹4,000. The Karyotyping Test cost varies due to the use of different methodologies or technology and the quality of the data, low or high resolution. A list of the different karyotyping tests is given below:- Karyotyping Test Name Test Cost Karyotyping From Blood Test Rs.4000 Peripheral blood for High-Resolution karyotyping (SINGLE) […]

DNA Test Cost in Delhi Mumbai Bangalore

DNA Test Cost in Delhi Mumbai Bangalore

The Cost of the Relationship DNA Test depends upon the type of relationship test you want to get tested. We offer the following different types of Relationship tests. Paternity DNA Test– This test will check for the biological relationship between father and born child Maternity DNA Test– This test will check for the biological relationship between father and born […]

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