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Amniocentesis Test Cost

Amniocentesis Test Cost

What does amniocentesis test for? An amniocentesis test can detect chromosomal, genetic disorders or congenital disabilities (sometimes called birth defects) such as: Down syndrome. Tay-Sachs disease. Neural tube defects such as Spina Bifida or anencephaly. What is the cost of Amniocentesis? The Cost of Amniocentesis ranges from 7000 to 18,000 INR When is amniocentesis performed? […]

Chromosome Test Pregnancy

Chromosome Test Pregnancy

Chromosome Test Pregnancy Chromosome testing during pregnancy is a type of genetic testing that looks at the chromosomes in a developing baby to check for any abnormalities. Chromosomes are structures in the body's cells that carry genetic material. There are usually 46 chromosomes in each cell, and they are arranged in 23 pairs. Abnormalities in […]

Cost Next Generation Sequencing NGS DNA Test India

Cost Next Generation Sequencing NGS DNA Test India

The cost of an NGS DNA test in India starts from ₹20,000 depending on different parameters on whether you are being tested for only a specific area(s) of a gene known to be abnormal or if hundreds and thousands of areas are being examined within multiple genes. What is the NGS DNA test? NGS DNA test stands for […]

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