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Fluorescent Situ Hybridization FISH DNA Test

Fluorescent Situ Hybridization FISH DNA Test

What is a Fluorescent in situ hybridization FISH DNA test? Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization is a method used to identify specific parts of a chromosome. FISH can be used to detect small deletions and duplications that are not visible using microscope analysis like karyotyping. It can also be used to detect how many chromosomes of a certain type are […]

What is the cost of FISH Test in India

What is the cost of FISH Test in India

FISH: FISH Test (Fluorescence in situ hybridization) is a test that "maps" the genetic material in human cells, including specific genes or portions of genes. Because a FISH test can detect genetic abnormalities associated with cancer, it's useful for diagnosing some types of the disease. FISH testing is done on breast cancer tissue removed during […]

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