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Klinefelter Syndrome Karyotype

Klinefelter Syndrome Karyotype

What is Klinefelter syndrome? Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic disease that causes biological males to be born with an extra copy of the X chromosome in their cells. Males with this condition may not have any symptoms or may have a variety of symptoms, including smaller-than-normal testicles that produce less testosterone. Testosterone is the male […]

When is Karyotping recommended

When is Karyotping recommended

When is Karyotyping recommended? Karyotyping is recommended to check if there are any chromosomal abnormalities, whether it is structural or numerical. There are many situations in which a karyotype may be recommended by your physician. These might include: Infants or children who have medical conditions which suggest a chromosomal abnormality that has not yet been […]

What is Karyotyping

What is Karyotyping

What is Karyotyping Karyotyping is a genetic test used to study an individual’s chromosomes. Every individual has 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 chromosomes in our body, if there is one less or more chromosome in an individual, it creates genetic anomalies causing various genetic diseases. Karyotyping is used to diagnose genetic diseases, some birth […]

What is the cost of Karyotyping DNA test in India?

What is the cost of Karyotyping DNA test in India?

The Karyotyping test cost in India varies costs ₹4,000. The Karyotyping Test cost varies due to the use of different methodologies or technology and the quality of the data, low or high resolution. A list of the different karyotyping tests is given below:- Karyotyping Test Name Test Cost Karyotyping From Blood Test Rs.4000 Peripheral blood for High-Resolution karyotyping (SINGLE) […]

What is the Cost of Karyotyping Test in India

What is the Cost of Karyotyping Test in India

Karyotyping: Karyotyping is a technique to grow chromosomes, while karyotype is a method or procedure to arrange it using either manual method or computational software. Karyotype analysis is a culture-based technique whereby new viable tissue cells are grown and arrested in the metaphase stage of cell division.  A karyotype is the unique language of cytogenetics […]

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